For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:13-14


Module 2 Histology: The Study of Tissues

Where was this tissue sample taken from?  What tissue types
can you identify?
Structure dictates function in the human body.  Each tissue is designed for a specific function.  If you recall the organizational levels from most simple or small are:  1. molecules, 2. organelles, 3. cells, 4. tissue, 5 organs, 6. organ systems, 7. Organism.    So as we study tissues, it's important to remember that each tissue is composed of specific, functional cells often referred to as parenchymal cells (general term).  There are also support cells called stromal cells (general term).  The cells are surrounded by an "environment" called the extracellular matrix.  This extracellular matrix is formed by the secretions of the parenchymal and stromal cells.

What are the 4 tissue types found in the body?

Interesting sites:
Virtual Histology Guide - Great site to see histology specimens.  Check it out!
Normal Histology Great site!.  Click on a sample of tissue to see a microscopic example.  Click on the highlighted words below and arrows appear on the image to show you where they are in the image.
Histology Guide
Histology of epithelial tissue and glands
Experiment 2.2 Instructions

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